

The Slave Trade and the Origins of Matrilineal Kinship 2024. Philosophical Transactions B, 379: 20230032.

Data and replication files [Link]


Understanding Cultural Persistence and Change 2021. Review of Economic Studies, 88 (5): 1541-1581.

Data and replication files [Zipped Folder]


Segmentary Lineage Organization and Conflict in Sub-Saharan Africa 2020. Econometrica, 88 (5): 1999-2036.

Data and replication files [Zipped Folder]


Bride Price and Female Education 2020. Journal of Political Economy, 128 (2): 591-641.

Data and replication files [Zipped Folder]


Immigrants and the Making of America 2020. Review of Economic Studies, 87 (1): 382-419.

Railway Shapefiles (15 years from 1830-1921) [Shapefile]  Data and replication files [Zipped Folder]


Ancestral Characteristics of Modern Populations 2018. Economic History of Developing Regions, 33 (1): 1-17.

Country-level dataset, baseline (version 1.1)  [Stata File]

Country-level dataset, EE and Siberia extension (version 1.1)  [Stata File]

Country-level dataset, EE, Siberia, WES extension (version 1.1) [Stata File]

Language-level datasets [Zipped Folder]

Underlying ethnicity-level data: [Ethnographic Atlas] [Eastern Europe] [Siberia] [World Ethnographic Sample]


The Evolution of Culture and Institutions: Evidence from the Kuba Kingdom 2017. Econometrica, 85 (4): 1065-1091.

Data and replication files [Zipped Folder] [Protocols]


Understanding Ethnic Identity in Africa: Evidence from the Implicit Association Test (IAT) 2015. American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 105 (5): 340-345.

Data and replication files  [Zipped Folder]

OpenSesame IAT program files [Zipped Folder]


U.S. Food Aid and Civil Conflict 2014. American Economic Review, 104 (6): 1630-1666.

Data and replication files [Zipped Folder]


The Transmission of Democracy: From the Village to the Nation State 2013. American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 103 (3): 86-92.

Data and replication files [Zipped Folder]


On the Origins of Gender Roles: Women and the Plough 2013. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 128 (2): 469-530.

Data and replication files [Zipped Folder]


Commercial Imperialism? Political Influence and Trade During the Cold War 2013. American Economic Review, 103 (2): 863-896.

Data and replication files [Zipped Folder]

CIA and KGB intervention data and documentation [Zipped Folder]


Incomplete Contracts and the Boundaries of the Multinational Firm 2013. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 94 (1): 330-344.

Data and replication files [Zipped Folder]


Ruggedness: The Blessing of Bad Geography in Africa 2012. Review of Economics and Statistics, 94 (1): 20-36.

Data, documentation and replication files [Zipped Folder] [Documentation]


The Potato’s Contribution to Population and Urbanization: Evidence from a Historical Experiment 2011. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 126 (2): 593-650.

Data and replication files [Zipped Folder]


The Slave Trade and the Origins of Mistrust in Africa 2011. American Economic Review, 101 (7): 3221-3252.

Data and replication files [Zipped Folder]

Murdock ethnic groups [Shapefile]

Slave exports (Atlantic and Indian Ocean trades) by ethnicity [Stata File] [Readme File]

Pre-colonial explorer routes [Shapefile]

Colonial railways [Shapefile]


Religious Conversion in Colonial Africa 2010. American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 100 (2): 147-152.

Roome (1924) map of the location of Catholic and Protestant mission stations [Shapefile] [Image]


The Structure of Tariffs and Long-Term Growth 2010. American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 2 (4): 158-194.

Data and replication files [Zipped File]


The Long-Term Effects of Africa’s Slave Trades 2008. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 123 (1): 139-176.

Full data set from the paper [Stata File]

Murdock ethnic groups [Shapefile]


Slavery, Inequality, and Economic Development: An Examination of the Engerman-Sokoloff Hypothesis 2008. Institutions and Economic Performance. Harvard University Press.

New World slavery data [Stata File]

British West Indies slavery data [Stata File]

American slavery data:

1.) American states slavery data, 1790-1860 [Stata File]

2.) American counties slavery data, 1790-1860 [Stata File]

3.) American states slavery and land inequality data, 1860 [Stata File]

4.) American counties slavery and land inequality data, 1860 [Stata File]


Relationship-Specificity, Incomplete contracts, and the Pattern of Trade 2007. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 122 (2): 569-600.

Full data set from the paper [Stata File]

Notes: See the paper for details of the data and their sources. Also, note that if you are trying to replicate the results of the paper, please remember that the paper reports standardized “beta” coefficients. Industry-level data on the importance of relationship-specific investments (i.e. contract intensity)

1.) Data for 1997 disaggregated according to the BEA’s 1997 I-O industry classification (based on 6-digit NAICS) [Stata File]
2.) Data for 1997 disaggregated according to 3-digit ISIC Rev. 2 classification [Stata File]

I have also constructed contract intensity measures for benchmark years (72, 77, 82, 87, 92) between 1963 and 1997. These are available here [Zipped Folder].